Desempenho produtivo de genótipos de morangueiro de dia neutro na Serra Gaúcha


  • Carine COCCO Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
  • Gabriela Weber SCHILDT Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
  • Fernando GIACOMEL Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
  • Antônio Felippe FAGHERAZZI Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
  • Daniel Suek ZANIN Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC
  • Aike Anneliese KRETZSCHMAR Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC



Fragaria x ananassa. Produção. Qualidade. Adaptabilidade.


The Strawberry cultivation in the off-season during the summer months arouses interest in the Serra Gaucha, due to climatic conditions favoring late production. For this, neutral day cultivars are used, as they do not suffer interference from the increase of the photoperiod for floral induction. Therefore, the introduction and evaluation of neutral day genotypes is a demand for the region's producers. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the yield of different cultivars and genotypes of neutral day strawberry. The cultivars Albion, San Andreas and Irma, and the genotypes FRF FC 104.01, FRF FC 57.06 e FRF FC 191.02 were evaluated and implanted in the municipality of Farroupilha - RS in May 2017, in a completely randomized design with 4 repetitions, each plot consisting of 10 plants. The yield and average fruit mass were evaluated. The American cultivars Albion and San Andreas, as well as the Italian genotype FRF FC 104.01 presented higher fruit yield, stability in strawberry size and prolongation of the productive cycle. Under the conditions of the study, it was observed that the Italian cultivar Irma does not express the same productive potential observed in its country of origin.


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How to Cite

COCCO, C., SCHILDT, G. W. ., GIACOMEL, F. ., FAGHERAZZI, A. F., ZANIN, D. S. ., & KRETZSCHMAR, A. A. . (2020). Desempenho produtivo de genótipos de morangueiro de dia neutro na Serra Gaúcha. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 6(2), 155–163.