Environmental performance assessment (ISO 14031)

application in a maintenance service company and sale of agricultural parts and machinery





Sustainability., CNH Industrial., Environmental management system.


The objective of this study was to implement the Environmental Performance Assessment (ADA - ABNT NBR ISO 14031) in all sectors (administrative, commercial and services) of a company of maintenance services and sale of agricultural parts and machinery (Agroser Case IH) in the city of São Borja/RS. For ADA six management performance indicators (IDG) and seven operational performance indicators (IDO) were used. The company presented two environmental program initiatives (IDG1), one non-compliance with municipal legislation (IDG2) and no environmental fine (IDG3). As to what can be observed with the study, the estimated cost with bad use of materials in the processes (IDG4) was R$ 4,550.00/year; the return on investment in environmental programs (IDG5) was estimated at R$ 32,850.00/year; the main recyclable solid waste (IDO2) generated an estimated total of 1.126.64 kg/year; the quantity of used oil was 950 L/year and 652 kg/year of contaminated materials (IDO3); the annual water consumption (IDO4) was 858 m³ (R$ 7,273.00/year) and the electric energy consumption by the energy provider (IDO6) was 39.263 kWh/year (R$ 32,400.00/year); the conversion to photovoltaic energy (IDO7) caused a 77% reduction in energy costs for the company; three environmental programs subdivided into 14 environmental actions were suggested. Finally, the application of the ADA allowed the identification of unnecessary expenses and the creation of opportunities and sustainability actions that will increase the efficiency and quality of the services and processes carried out in the company.


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How to Cite

da Silva Sartori junior, L., & Vargas Kilca, R. (2021). Environmental performance assessment (ISO 14031): application in a maintenance service company and sale of agricultural parts and machinery. Revista Eletrônica Científica Da UERGS , 7(1), 111–122. https://doi.org/10.21674/2448-0479.71.111-122

